How To Hedge Against Inflation & Price Increase

Adrian Kazuki
3 min readJun 29, 2022


Recently, the global inflation and price increase on consumer goods have become a hot topic among us again.

As global raw material price increase, it has expedited the inflation speed.

This global issue will definitely impact our daily living expenses.

So, it’s time to look at what effective methods we can apply to hedge against inflation and price increase.

If we do not do anything about it, this issue will definitely impact us on a gradual and permanent basis.

Root Cause Of Price Increase & Inflation

Before we look at what are the effective methods to hedge against inflation, let’s look at the root causes of inflation.

Global Raw Materials Supply Shortage

The first root cause is the global raw materials supply shortage.

The main raw materials we are mentioning here are the steel and poultry.

When these materials are insufficient to meet the demand, the price will increase respectively.

This will cause a chain reaction to impact on other industries and products pricing as well.

Hence, it will lead to inflation at the end of the day.

Whereby, the currency value become smaller.

Country Currency Weak Performance

The second root cause is on country basis.

When a country currency experience weak performance in exchange due to country internal issues, it will expedite the inflation problem in the country itself.

Once the inflation problem happened in the country, it is almost impossible for the country to resume to the situation to pre-inflation period.

It can just deal with the inflation by increasing it’s GDP value in the country.

At the end of the day, the biggest victims of inflation is always the country residents.

How To Hedge Against Inflation

After looking at the root causes of inflation, let’s look into how we can hedge against inflation.

In fact, you can combine the methods below to get better result in return.

Invest In Cryptocurrency

The first method is that you can invest in Cryptocurrency.

Cryptocurrency investment has become a norm nowadays.

One of the biggest benefits of this investment is to allow you to hedge against the inflation for a long time.

This is simply because the growth of cryptocurrency value does not depend on the global material and currency exchange value.

Therefore, you are able to get a better return of investment rate which is higher than the inflation rate.

Invest In Blue Chip Stock

The second method is to invest in blue chip stock.

These blue-chip stocks are referring to those Fortune’s 500 companies.

You will be able to get a dividend from these companies after you have bought their shares.

Besides, you do not need to spend time to study on their growth and drop trend in share performance.

In the long run, blue chip shares will give you a stable ROI rate which is higher than the inflation rate.

Generate Quick Side Income

The third method is to generate quick side income.

This side income will help you lighten up your burden on daily expenses and enhance your cash flow to deal with inflation.

There are many ways to generate side income.

One of the fastest methods is to play in online casino app.

You will stand a chance to get monetary return in short period of time by playing in the online casino games.

However, you need to set a winning target before start playing.

Once you have achieved the target, then quit playing immediately.

Do not get greedy as you will lose in the app eventually if continue to play.

Real Estate Investment

The fourth method is to invest in property.

The real estate investment has been proven an effective method to hedge against inflation at any time.

This investment is a physical and tangible asset for you as well.

Furthermore, this investment proven to be able to bring you a good ROI in the long run.

Commodity Investment

The final method is to invest in commodities.

To be honest, not all commodities are worth to invest.

In order to hedge against inflation effectively, you can invest in gold and raw materials such as steel.

This is simply because these commodities are natural resources which cannot be created by human.

Hence, it has a good value of appreciation in the long run.



Adrian Kazuki

Casual blogger from Okinawa, also a professional poker player, find out my personal poker skills sharing here: