How To Attract New Audience In Your Online Business

Adrian Kazuki
4 min readMay 22, 2022

In recent years, online business has experienced a massive growth.

Especially during these 2 years whereby the Covid-19 pandemic hit the entire world.

Many companies and individuals have swift their focus to online business.

The main advantage of online business is operation can stay active for 24 hours every day.

This means that you do not need to work whole day in your online business, yet you are still generating revenue from online business.

As this industry is getting more competitive, it is not that easy anymore to gain new audience for your online business.

In this article, we will share a few effective methods on growing new audience in online business.

So that you can stay competitive in this industry.

1) Freebies

It is a known fact that everyone love freebies.

You need to come out with some freebies for your business to attract the new audiences.

Once the new audiences get your freebies, they will tend to go through your website to understand your business products or services.

This is where you can get to start your business with the new audiences.

For example, the famous gaming platform Mega888 always offer free credits to get new players to join the game platform.

This method has proven to be effective in getting new audiences for you in the first phase of your business.

2) Product Variety

The second method is to offer huge variety of products in your online business.

It will help you to attract new audiences from different profiles.

When you have huge product variety in your website, the new audience will spend more time to go through your products.

It will give them a better impression on your business.

Besides, it will help you to increase your revenue as customers can purchase more products from you.

3) Attractive Website & Social Media Pages

This is also another important element in attracting the new audiences to your business.

A nice and user-friendly website will provide a good first impression for the audience.

They are more likely to access your website and understand more on your products and services.

Besides, a good website can help them to speed up the purchase process.

In a long run, your business will become more credible and trust-worthy among your target audience.

4) Online Marketing

The fourth method is to implement online marketing to boost up your audience engagement rate.

Nowadays, there are many types of online marketing channels available.

You just need to pick the channels which are within your marketing budget.

Among so many online marketing channels, social media marketing and Google SEO are the most effective channels.

Google SEO does not require a high marketing budget to implement.

Yet, this channel can bring you sustainable new audience increase for your online business.

Whereas, social media marketing will require a relative higher marketing budget.

However, social media marketing can allow you to engage with the target audience which matches your business profile.

The core elements in social media marketing are the advertising budget and the social media content creation from your side.

5) Informative Content

The fifth method is to implement informative and resourceful content in your website and social media pages.

These type of content are quite powerful to gain the attention from your target audience.

In fact, it is not a hard sell method and easier to be accepted by your target audience.

These contents can tackle their pain points and relate the pain points to your product and service.

Furthermore, you can present these contents in visual or video format to make them more appealing.

Research has shown that online business which can produce informative online contents can grow 20% higher in revenue compare to the ordinary online business.

6) Discount & Promotions

This method can help you attract the audiences who are budget sensitive.

Discount and promotions can help your business to generate more revenue in short term.

It can stimulate the impulse buying action from your target audience.

However, it is not advisable to implement this method for too long.

This is due to it will affect your profit margin and lower down your business brand authority.


As a nutshell, online business can actually be a form of online investment.

In order to gain new audience and increase the revenue, you need to invest time, effort and money to achieve these objectives.

There is no short cut way to make a great success in online business.

However, the return of investment is pretty rewarding if you are able to do it the right way.



Adrian Kazuki

Casual blogger from Okinawa, also a professional poker player, find out my personal poker skills sharing here: