2022 Blackjack Game Winning Strategy

Adrian Kazuki
3 min readApr 21, 2022


2022 Blackjack Strategy

Blackjack is one of the popular classic casino card games. In recent years, online blackjack has become more common due to the rise of the online casino industry. There are many types of online blackjack available on online casino platforms. Furthermore, online blackjack is also available in the form of a pure game without money betting. In fact, this online card game is suitable for players of all ages. Besides, online blackjack games can be played by the players at any time and anywhere. What you need is just a mobile device with an internet connection.

Methods To Increase Winning Chance In Online Blackjack Game

Once you become a regular online Blackjack player, you will always seek methods to increase your winning chances in the game. In fact, there are many methods available online that claim to be able to increase a player’s winning chances. After conducting a round of research and trials, we have compiled a few proven effective methods here. These methods can help to increase your game-winning chance by at least 15% to 25%.

1) Stand Firm When Hold 12 Or 13

When your total card value gives you 12 or 13, do not go for getting the additional card. Unlike playing casually with friends, where we tend to make our card value as high as possible, it is not the case in online blackjack. When you manage to get 12 or 13 in your total card value, just choose to stand firm until the dealer reveals his total card value. If you insist to get an additional card, you will have a high chance to get a “bust”. Do not try to compete with the dealer on the card value. Let the dealer withdraw an additional card as the dealer requires a minimum of 17 to reveal all players’ cards.

2) Don’t Split Tens

Generally, you will stand a chance to win more in online Blackjack when you split your card. However, when you get two cards of 10, Jack, Queen & King, do not split your card. There is 2 logic behind this method.

Firstly, you have obtained a high total card value which can almost guarantee you a win. Unless the dealer managed to get 21, else you will be able to win the game. Secondly, splitting the card means that you need to rely on luck again to get 2 high-value cards to win the game. The winning chances will be very slim in this case. Therefore, when you get 2 cards of value 10, be confident and stand firm not to split the cards.

3) Do Not Take Insurance

On some online blackjack tables, you will be offered a blackjack insurance bet if the dealer shows an ace. The idea is that this bet will offset your losses if the dealer makes a blackjack.

While that might sound like a good idea, it isn’t. Not in the long run, anyway. The odds of the dealer making blackjack do not justify the price you must pay and the return from insurance.

4) Practice More

Practice makes perfect. When you have mastered the 3 methods above, do practice regularly to apply the methods smoothly in the game. With the combination of these methods, you will be able to increase your winning chances in the game consistently.



Adrian Kazuki

Casual blogger from Okinawa, also a professional poker player, find out my personal poker skills sharing here: https://www.mega888gamesonline.com/